on sep 15, 1992, hrh the princess went to silpakorn university for the 100th birth anniversary of professor silpa bhirasri, the founder of the university. she graciously presided over the opening ceremony by the teaching staff of the faculty of painting, sculpture, and graphic arts. then she made 2 lithographs on the surface of limestone prepared for her to work on. she used greasy ink to draw an image of an elephant side view in 5 minutes for the first design. then she made another image of a lotus pond. in february of 1993, when the climate was appropriate for lithographic printing, the faculty of painting, sculpture and graphic arts printed 50 copies of each of her images. in june of the same year, associate professor kaisri sriarun, university president, presented all the copies to hrh the princess for her signature and gave her a copy of each image. the rest was taken back to the university. some copies were later put on auction as the university’s revenue.