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Cookies Policy

KASIKORN X COMPANY LIMITED (“KX”) ​may use cookies or other similar technologies (“cookies”) on KX’s websites and/or applications to help you receive better experiences from our service and allows KX to improve quality of services to better serve your needs.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files which are downloaded to your web browsers, computer devices, internet-enabled devices, e.g. smart phone, tablet, etc. They record data and settings, e.g. your present visiting status, language setting, data related to browsing history of your preferred websites and/or applications to enable you to continuously use services that use cookies or other similar technologies.

Benefits of cookies

Cookies help KX to remember which part of KX’s website and/or applications you visited to enable KX to deliver using experience that is better and meets your needs, and you will be able to use the website continuously. Moreover, records of your first settings will allow you to visit the website and/or application with the same settings every time unless the cookies are removed; in which case all settings will return to the original settings.

Cookies settings and refusals

You may choose to refuse all or some types of cookies depending on your preferences by setting your browsers and/or your privacy setting. However, if you set your browser or privacy setting to refuse all cookies (including the Strictly Necessary Cookies), you may not be able to use some or all functions of the website and/or application efficiently. You may learn more details from(www.allaboutcookies.org)

Change of the Policy

This Cookies Policy may be amended or changed as appropriate to comply with regulations. KX recommends you to check if you understand such changes. For more information on collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, rights including details on data controller, please visit the Privacy Policy of KX on the website(https://c1.coralworld.co/public/legal/privacy-policy.pdf)

Cookies Management

Cookies settings in Chrome

Cookies settings in Firefox

Cookies settings in Safari
(https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac) and iOS (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265)

Cookies settings in Internet Explorer